



Ask Us!

What's new on DB-MARKETING.COM?

On this page you will find a history about the development of the Database-Marketing site. The order is descending by date, which means that the newest changes are always close to the top.

Date: 15. Feb. 1997
Added the Database-Marketing Process-Maps

Date: 14. Feb. 1997
Finished the RFMR-page

Date: 26. Oct. 1996
Designed and implemented the Database-Marketing Provider Web as a reference to other service providers on the net.

Date: 12. Oct. 1996
Added the "Quick Navigator" for easily finding a ressource / topic on this site.

Date: 11. Oct. 1996
Added page "Implementation of a direct-mailing".

Date: 11. Oct. 1996
Re-implementation of the page "Ask Us!". This section had been intentionally taken from the site to slow down the flood of questions for support. We just had to finish some projects - so we simply needed some time!

Date: 11. Oct. 1996
Added page Services for Database-Marketing service provider

Date: 10. Oct. 1996
Added the "What's New?" page - this is the page that you are currently reading. Since besides our projects we admittedly only have quite limited time to update this site, we considered this quite usefull to quickly find out what changed on this site!

Date: 28. Aug. 1996
Implementation of the Database-Marketing Calculator. From the access-LOG files we found out that within the first month of implementation already several hundred people used it - so seems to be a really valuable tool!

Date: 15. July 1996
Finally managed to register the DB-MARKETING.COM domain. Implemented the domain on the server, converted all pages to the new design - any feedback on the layout? - , transfered the old domain to its new HTTP-server.

This WWW presence, the layout and any pictures used in this site is © copyright protected and powered by
G.H.E.M. Global Home of Electronic Marketing - 1996-2011.