



Ask Us!

Being a provider of Database-Marketing related services?

Since this site has often been mentioned as being one of the most informative and up-to-date web-site about Database-Marketing on the whole Internet, you should carefully consider to either:

This site is primarily set up to promote the idea of Database-Marketing. Since service-providers for Database-Marketing often still face a lack of understanding the real power and capabilities of Database-Marketing at their clients, we should try to form a lobby to promote the idea which we try to market.

Of course you always have the royalty to just drop by and see what is happening on these pages, but maybe your marketing and sales efforts would be a bit more efficient if you can clearly show your clients what current Database-Marketing knowhow can achieve.

Since this is exactly why we started these pages, we warmly invite you to contribute all of your success stories and your experience that you want to published on the Internet!

Getting listed on this site:

Getting listed on this site is easy and most of all - it is FREE!. For registration we only require little information: all you have to do is to send a short e-mail to our web-master stating the following information:

  • the name of your company / organisation
  • name and e-mail address of a contact person
  • the services provided by your company / organisation
  • main geographic area where you do business
  • URL of homepage (if applicable)

Please note that any of the above mentioned information is required, otherwise we cannot publish a link to your web-site!

Getting listed on this is currently FREE - in return we only ask you to also provide a courtesy-link to this site!

Get listed NOW !

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G.H.E.M. Global Home of Electronic Marketing - 1996-2011.